2 Reasons Your Personal Injury Case Could Go to Trial

If you're ever injured in an accident, you may wonder whether or not your case will go to trial. While most cases are resolved through settlement negotiations, some end up going to trial. So what factors might lead to a trial? Here are some reasons why your personal injury case might go to court.

The Other Side Refuses to Negotiate in Good Faith

After being injured in an accident, you may be wondering what to do next. You may consider hiring a personal injury lawyer and filing a claim against the responsible party. However, you may also wonder whether your case will end up in court. If the other side refuses to negotiate in good faith, your case may end up going to trial.

There are a few reasons why this may happen. First, the other side may not believe you have a strong case. They may think that the evidence is unclear or that you do not have enough damages to warrant going to court.

Second, the other side may not be willing to give you the compensation you deserve. They may lowball you on your settlement offer or refuse to make any offer at all. Finally, the other side may be hoping you will give up and go away if they drag out the negotiation process.

By filing a lawsuit, you are sending a message that you are serious about getting the compensation you deserve. Going to court can also put pressure on the other side to negotiate in good faith, as they do not want to risk having a judge or jury rule against them.

You Want to Set a Precedent

Many personal injury cases are resolved before they ever reach court. This route is often the best outcome for all parties involved, as it can save time and money. However, there are some instances when going to court may be the best option.

For instance, if you want to set a legal precedent that could help other people in similar situations, it may be best to take your case to court. You might consider this route if your personal injury results from someone else's negligence, and you want to ensure they are held accountable for their actions.

Your personal injury lawyer may advise you to take your case to trial if your case is strong and has the potential to set a new legal precedent. For example, if you were injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, your case could help strengthen laws against drunk driving.

Going to court may set a precedent that could affect future cases. If you win your case, it could make it easier for other people in similar situations to win their cases. But before taking your personal injury case to court, weigh the costs and benefits carefully to decide if it's the right move for you. 

Contact a local personal injury solicitor for more information. 
